
Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Quick writes


I CAN do anything. The reason why I chose this slogan is when growing up if anyone of us kids ever said I can’t, mom would always say can’t never did a thing in its life. That has stuck with me ever since. As I grew up and was on my own, if something ever came about that I wasn’t really sure on, I at least would give it a try and if it was wrong, I would figure it out till it was right. Like going back to school. Deep down there was always this fear that I would fail. I had to tell myself that I can do anything as long as I put effort into it. The best way I have found to accomplish what I set out to do, is make small goal that will lead into my big goals. The first semester at OTC, I made a small goal to finish it with a 4.0 GPA. I accomplished that. I now am continuing that same goal this semester as well. The big goal at the end is to graduate with my Associates. An extension to that is to graduate with honors. I have accomplished a lot since I developed this moto. You can do anything if you really have right mindset.


If I was a Crayola crayon what color would I be? I would be green. Why green? Well emerald green is my birthstone but I love most colors of green. Not really sure why I chose this color, it has been my favorite since I was a little kid. It can be just about any shade of green. It is an earth tone so can pair up with a lot of different colors. My kitchen is green, my favorite nascar drivers paint scheme usually is a shade of green as well. If I had a choice my car would also be a shade of green.

The color green represents many different things. Some examples are money, grass, leaves on a tree, envy, fruit, vegetables, etc.

Inspector Gadget

One day inspector gadget was giving a brief case while walking down the sidewalk. He sat down on a bench to eat his donut. While sitting there, a pigeon landed next to him. The pigeon looked interested in the donut. Inspector broke off a piece and threw it but pigeon didn’t go for it. The inspector opened the brief case to check on what was inside. When somehow the pigeon got knocked inside and the lid closed. Inside the briefcase was a computer screen, all kinds of control switches that operated the built in weapons. Pigeon started messing with the controls, he was shooting guns, hopping around scaring people as they walked by. Inspector looked a little nervous when he had launched what looked like one of the hidden missile. As inspector gaget was able to get the briefcase back in his controls, but the pigeon was still interested in the donut. The donut went back to earth and the inspector was able to shoot the missile out of the sky without putting anyone in danger. As the inspector was walking away with the briefcase, the remains of the missile launch landed on the pigeon. 

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